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Solid and Finite Element Modeling

    ACIS 3D Toolkit     ACIS Geometric Modeler     ANSLA     Aries ConceptStation Software     Boundary Analyzer     CADKEY SOLIDS     CADRA-Solids     Design Optimizer     FEMB     FLAC     HPCAD ToolKit     HyperMesh     I-DEAS Master Series Finite Element Modeling     I-DEAS Master Series Plastics Processing     IMA, Intelligent Manufacturing Advisor     INERTIA     InMotion     Intergraph/Finite Element Modeling/Solver(I/FEM)     Intergraph/Flow Analysis (I/FLOW)     MEDUSA (3D Design)     MENTAT II Interactive Graphics     MSC/NASTRAN     MSC/PATRAN 3     Mechanical Advantage II     NISA Family of Programs     ParICs Physical IC Modeler, The     Pro/ENGINEER     SHAPES Geometric Computing     SIMUCOOL/SIMUCOOL3D     SIMUFLOW/SIMUFLOW3D     SUPERWHAMS     Simail     Solid Modeler -- UNISYS     TrueGrid     UDEC     XSOLID     x DISPLAY III